Custom Search

Friday, October 3, 2008

Read and write to the registry using the Windows API functions

function space(isize)
auto s;
auto i;
for (i =1;i<=isize;i++)
s = s & " ";


extern long RegDeleteKey( long, string<1024> );
extern long RegCloseKey(long);
extern long RegQueryValueExA(long,string,long,long,inout string<1024>,inout long );
extern long RegOpenKeyExA(long,string,long ,long,inout long);
extern long RegSetValueExA(long,string,long,long,string,long);

MainKey = 2147483649; # HKEY_CURRENT_USER
SubKey = "Software\\TestConverter\\TCEditor\\Settings";
# This is where you set your subkey path
const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0;

const KEY_ALL_ACCESS = 983103;
ret = RegOpenKeyExA(MainKey, SubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, hKey); # open the
cbData = 256;
tmp = space(256);
KeyType = 0;
ret = RegQueryValueExA(hKey,"Last language",0,KeyType,tmp,cbData); # replace
"Last language" with the key you want to read
pause (tmp);
NewSetting = "SQABASIC";
cbData = length(NewSetting) + 1;
ret = RegSetValueExA(hKey,"Last language",0,KeyType,NewSetting,cbData);
# replace "Last language" with the key you want to write

cbData = 256;
tmp = space(256);
KeyType = 0;
ret = RegQueryValueExA(hKey,"Last language",0,KeyType,tmp,cbData);
# verifies you changed the key

pause (tmp);

RegCloseKey(hKey); # close the key

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