Custom Search

Friday, October 3, 2008

Having the DB Check point, its able to show the current values in form but its not showing the values that saved in the table

Having the DB Check point, its able to show the current values in form but its not showing the values that saved in the table
This looks like its happening because the data has
been written to the db after your checkpoint, so you
have to do a runtime record check Create>Database
Checkpoint>Runtime Record Check. You may also have to
perform some customization if the data displayed in
the application is in a different format than the data
in the database by using TSL. For example, converting
radio buttons to database readable form involves the

# Flight Reservation
set_window ("Flight Reservation", 2);
# edit_set ("Date of Flight:", "06/08/02");

# retrieve the three button states
button_get_state ( "First", first);
button_get_state ( "Business", bus);
button_get_state ( "Economy", econ);

# establish a variable with the correct numeric value
based on which radio button is set
if (first)

if (bus)

if (econ)

set_window("Untitled - Notepad",3);

edit_set("Report Area",service);

db_record_check("list1.cvr", DVR_ONE_MATCH,record_num);

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